Secondary school students learn about Scent at Digital Meet

Rovigo-based Scent partner XTeam presented the project at the Digital Meet conference on Friday 20th October 2017. The event attracted a large student audience and was held in the auditorium of the scientific secondary school Paleocapa in Rovigo, Italy. Scent partners Stefano Tamascelli (CEO and responsible for R&D) and Silvia Brandalesi (European Project Manager) gave a presentation entitled “Usage of new digital technologies to monitor the territory and prevent risk of flooding” (Utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie digitali per monitorare il territorio e prevenire il rischio di inondazione). Read more

Mapping and the Citizen Sensor

Mapping and the Citizen Sensor (2017) is a new publication on the role of citizens in mapping. It offers interesting insights into citizen science in mapping and into engaging citizens and sustaining participation in scientific activities and environmental policymaking. Read more

Scent Spotlight series – Marian Mierla, Danube Delta National Institute

We recently spoke to Marian Mierla, Scientific Researcher at Danube Delta National Institute (DDNI).

DDNI is the National Institute for Research and Development in the Danube Delta region. Its research and development work also covers the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, which includes the neighbouring areas as well. The researchers at DDNI, based in Tulcea, Romania, specialise in different aspects of geography and biology, some study water quality, others living species etc. The institute also has an informational system and geomatics department, and parts of the institute’s development activities focus on the planning of dredging processes. Read more

Scent Newsletter #1 | The technologies behind Scent

This article originally appeared in the first Scent Newsletter (July 2017). To receive all of the articles and features in one place, make sure to subscribe to the Scent newsletter here.

Scent System Architecture
The Scent project will enable citizens to become the ‘eyes’ of policy makers by monitoring land-cover/use changes in their everyday activities. This is achieved through the following integrated set of smart collaborative technologies:

• Low-cost / portable data collection tools

• An innovative crowd-sourcing platform

• Serious gaming applications for a large-scale image collection and semantic annotation

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The Scent Newsletter makes its Summer debut





In July, our new Scent Newsletter officially launched, with issue #1 providing an in-depth overview of the science behind the Scent project, a summary of the second Scent plenary meeting in Rome, and more.

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Scent at the European GEO workshop in Helsinki

One of the contributions of Scent is to add data to Earth Observation systems such as GEOSS, with an overarching objective of improving the monitoring of changes in the environment, in particular in relation to land use. To this end, the latest European GEO Workshop EuroGEOSS: shaping the European contribution to GEOSS held 19th-21st June 2017 in Helsinki was an invaluable opportunity to learn of the impact that contributions to GEOSS have had on policy making and on livelihoods across Europe. The opportunity to network with fellow citizens’ observatories (CO) projects and to collaborate to produce helpful discussions about the value of citizen data in GEOSS was immensely valuable as well. Read more

Scent Spotlight series – Ioana Popescu, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

We recently spoke to Ioana Popescu, Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics at IHE Delft.

IHE Delft is an education and research institute based in the Netherlands. The students at IHE Delft come from various countries around the world, and the institute sees the potential benefits of the new Scent technology for these students, some of whom come from regions exposed to floods. Ioana explains that IHE Delft decided to get involved in the project partly because of their research interest and partly because of their students, who ultimately will be the beneficiaries of the systems being developed. Read more

U-Hopper at DSI Manifesto Workshop

Representatives of CAPS EU-funded projects and relevant DSI (Digital Social Innovation) initiatives met in Rimini, Italy to capture views and contributions on the priorities to set out in the Manifesto for Digital Social Innovation in Europe.

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2nd Scent Plenary Meeting in Rome

The Scent consortium gathered for its second plenary meeting in Rome 14-15 June 2017. The two-day plenary was attended by 24 partners representing all 10 partner organisations. Read more

Scent ‘Spotlight’ Series – Daniele Miorandi, U-Hopper

U-Hopper – an intro from Daniele Miorandi
Daniele Miorandi is executive VP for research and development at U-Hopper, a research-intensive technology-driven company. U-Hopper builds solutions for other companies through data analytics tools.

Daniele focused on U-Hopper’s earlier engagement with environmental projects before Scent, how smaller communities can benefit from Scent and how Scent can become a ‘lighthouse project’.

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